Its name comes from the former owner of the land where it was built, Pierre Pillot , lord of Chenecey. Rivotte door, dating from the XVI century , consists of two round towers with a pepper with a pediment on which is carved the sun ...
As Sean Pillot de Chenecey, head of trends analyst Captain Crikey, puts it: "The Murano is rugged on the one hand and sophisticated on the other. It talks ? and walks ? a fine line. It marks the point where the sports car and SUV cross ...
Monsieur CORTET Coordinateur Francas Doubs - Chargé du suivi du centre de Chenecey Mademoiselle Bauzely Directrice du centre de loisirs de Chenecey Buillon CAF Madame PIVARD Interlocutrice dans le dossier Subventions ...